Monday, February 3, 2014

Gravity (2013) - C-

Maybe high expectations were part of the reason that I disliked this movie - I had heard that it was a stunning game-changer of a film.  Or, maybe I was just in a bad mood after paying IMAX prices to see it.  Perhaps if this had been an unheralded film that I took in at a $2 theater I would have liked it more.  As it stands, I was sorely disappointed.

Space is big - I know that.  Things are moving in orbital patterns out there - I knew that too.  And, gravity is relative to where you are.  I didn't learn anything new here.  The visual effects are well and good, but they're undercut by a corny and story and some unbelievable "only in the movies" events.  Which undercuts the realism of the effects.  Casting George Clooney and Sandra Bullock doesn't help matters as far as I'm concerned; it distracts from any serious purpose here.  He's long since become a cure for sleeplessness, and she's a talented woman but a walking primer on plastic surgery.

I had been told that this was a "2001 : A Space Odyssey" for the next generation.  But I'll tell you what, you'd have to drop a LOT of acid for this cornball movie to have that type of an effect on you.  Rating : C-.   

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